好文: clothes

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The questions you ask determine the quality of your life.你的提问能决定你的生活质量



1.The questions you ask determine the quality of your life.——Mr. Self Development 你的提问能决定你的生活质量。——自我成长先生


determine 决定

[ often passive] to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen确定,决定;影响

1. The number of staff we can take on will be determined by how much money were allowed to spend.我们雇用的人数将取决于可支配资金的多少。

2. Your health is determined in part by what you eat.在某种程度上你的健康状况取决于你的饮食。

3. Eye colour is genetically determined.眼睛的颜色是由遗传基因决定的。

4. People should be allowed to determine their own future.应该允许人们决定自己的未来。

determine 下决心formal to make a strong decision 下决心

A.[determine that]

She determined that one day she would be an actor.她决心将来当演员。

B. [determine to infinitive]

On leaving jail, Joe determined to reform.出狱后乔决心改过自新。

C. 决定 formal to discover the facts or truth about something.找出,确定,测定;查明

The police never actually determined the cause of death.警方实际上从未查明死因。

D. [determine question word]

It is the responsibility of the police to determine whether these men are innocent.确定这些人是否无辜是警察的责任。

E. [determine that ]裁决

The jury determined that the men were guilty.陪审团裁决那些人有罪。

Change your thoughts and you change your world

2.Change your thoughts and you change your world.——Norman Vincent Peale 改变你的思想,就能改变你的命运。——诺曼·文森特·皮尔(著名牧师、演讲家、作家)


本句是一个特殊句型: 即祈使句, and 陈述句

Work harder, and youll succeed passing the entrance examinations.

Call me uncle, and I will give you chocolate.

3.It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.—— Harry Emerson Fosdick 人们依靠行动而活,而不是想法而活。——哈里·爱默生·福斯迪克(著名教士、作家)


by acts 依靠行动; 通过行为

There is no occasion to give this notice. It will soon show itselfby acts. 没有必要发出这一通知,它马上就要通过行动来显示。When losses or injuries are causedby actsviolating the administration of public security, the offender shall compensate for the loss or bear the medic. 违反治安管理造成的损失或者伤害,由违反治安管理的人赔偿损失或者负担医疗费用。I clearly understand it now, and I will strictly fulfil my engagementbysuchactsof assistance and kindness to them as you have described. 我现在搞清楚了,我要严格履行我的诺言,照你说的,为她们帮点忙,做点好事。

by ideas 依靠想法

A further measures is likely to be provided by ideas from developing countries. 更进一步的举措可能来自于发展中国家一个想法。

We are a collection of individuals unitedby ideas. 我们是想法一致的个人团结在一起的集体。

In a global economy, poweredby ideasand information, a countrys greatest asset is its people.在由想法和信息推动的全球经济中,一个国家最大的财富是它的人民。

It isbyACTS and notby ideasthat people live. 行动是根本,想法锦上添花。


4.Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.——Jim Rohn幸福不应该等到未来去拥有,而是为了当下所准备。——吉姆·罗恩(成功学家,世界成功学大师安东尼·罗宾的启蒙老师)


A. postpone for the future推迟到将来

post·pone pange the date or time of a planned event or action to a later one 使〔事件﹑行动等〕延期,延迟,推迟

The match had to bepostponed untilnext week. 比赛不得不推迟到下周举行。

B. postpone doing sth推迟做某事

1. They’ve decided to postpone having a family for a while. 他们决定推迟一段时间要孩子。

2. Themeeting has beenpostponed indefinitely( =no one knows when it will happen) . 对他的审判被无限期推迟了。

C. design for the present为当下而设计

1. A designt to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buildings设计;制(图)

2. Who designed this building/dress/furniture?谁设计了这座建筑物/这款裙子/这套家具?

3. This range of clothing is specially designed for shorter women.该系列服装是专为身材较矮的女性设计的。

B.be designed for[ 特别注意: 被动语态形式 usually passive] to intend意图,打算

1. This dictionary is designed for advanced learners of English.本词典是为高级英语学习者编写的。

[ be designed to infinitive]

2. These measures are designed to reduce pollution.采取这些措施旨在降低污染。

C. 习惯用语idioms

1. by design intentionally 特意;故意,有意

Im sure he ignored you by accident and not by design.我敢肯定他绝非有意冷落你。

2. designs [plural]plans, often ones which are not honest, to get something or someone for yourself阴谋计划,不良企图

3. to have territorial designs (on neighbouring countries)有夺取(邻国)领土的企图

I think Alan has designs on/upon your job/wife!我觉得艾伦对你的工作/妻子有不良企图!


5.Mankind is made great or little by its own will.——Friedrich Schiller 伟大或渺小取决于人的意志。——弗里德里希·席勒(德国著名诗人、哲学家)


Mankind is made great or little

这是make sb. adj/p.p.作宾语补足语的句型。to cause sb/sth to be or become sth 使变得;使成为e.g.

1. What you said at the meeting made me happy.

2. The news made him very happy. 这则消息使他非常高兴。

3. She made her objections clear. 她明确表示反对。

4. Hemade it clear thathe objected. 他明确表示反对。

5. The full story was nevermade public. 全部情况从未公之于世。

6. Can youmake yourself understoodin Russian? 你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?

7. She couldntmake herself heardabove the noise of the traffic. 车辆噪音很大,她无法让人听到她的声音。

8. The terroristsmade it known thattourists would be targeted. 恐怖分子宣称游客将成为他们袭击的目标。

by its own will按照自己的意愿

We couldnt be used by a rule or let the rule goes by its own will. 不能让某种制度利用我们,也不能让某种制度自行其是。


Neverwilla rock moveby its ownpower. 一块岩石决不会靠它自己的力量移动。

Chinawillpromote world peace and developmentby its owndevelopment. 中国将以自身的发展促进世界的和平与发展。






