
夜行书生 182 次浏览

So I feel like we should go somewhere to learn English today.


Where should we go?


I know.


Lets go to the park.


Here we go.


Okay, were here.

好了 我们到了

Lets put the sunglasses on and lets get this English lesson started.

让我们戴上墨镜 开始上这节英语课吧

I should actually mention, though, that I did do this English lesson once before.

事实上 我应该提一下 我以前确实上过一次这节英语课

A number of years ago I went to a park and I made an English lesson,

几年前 我去了一个公园 上了一堂英语课

but I thought it would be a good idea to just do it again.


Maybe add a few words, make it a little more interesting, and do it at a different park.

也许可以加几句话 让它更有趣一些 然后在不同的公园里做

So here we are at my local park.


Lets get started.


So whats the first thing you would like to see?


Oh, a snack shop or what we sometimes call a snack bar.

哦 快餐店 或者我们有时称之为快餐店的地方

Well, theres actually one right behind me.


If a park is big enough, it will sometimes have a snack shop or a snack bar.

如果一个公园足够大 它有时会有一个小吃店或小吃店

So if you get hungry while youre at the park and you remember to bring some money,

所以如果你在公园的时候饿了 你记得带一些钱

you can go and buy an ice cream treat or maybe a hot dog or something.


So this is a snack shop or a snack bar.


So there are two main sports that are played at parks in Canada


at least in this part of Canada.


One would be the sport of baseball.


And behind me, you can see what we call a baseball diamond.

在我身后 你可以看到我们所说的棒球钻石

Actually, we shorten it a bit.

实际上 我们把它缩短了一点

We often call it a ball diamond.


So this is where people would come to play baseball.


In the distance, you can see the backstop.

在远处 你可以看到后挡板

Thats the fence at the back of the ball diamond.


And if you look closely, they dont have the bases out during the day,

如果你仔细观察 他们白天不会有基地

But you can see in that middle area where they would put the bases.

但你可以看到在中间的区域 他们将在那里建立基地

So one of the sports thats often played is baseball, and its played at a ball diamond.

所以经常玩的运动之一是棒球 它是在钻石球台上进行的

Ill get to the other sport in a moment, but I just realized

我一会儿再谈另一项运动 但我刚刚意识到

that Im standing on a picnic table.


Its probably not allowed, but often at a park,

这可能是不允许的 但通常在公园里

you will see what is called a picnic table.


A picnic table is a great place to come with your friends or family.


You bring a little bit of food.


With this picnic table here, you could watch the baseball game while you have your food.

有了这张野餐桌 你可以边吃边看棒球比赛

Very, very handy place to eat when you come to a park.

当你来到公园的时候 你可以在非常非常方便的地方吃饭

Something called the picnic table.


So the other common sport here in my part of Canada is, of course, soccer.

因此 在我所在的加拿大地区 另一项常见的运动当然是足球

What some of you call football.


If you look behind me, youll see that there is a soccer field.

如果你往我后面看 你会看到有一个足球场

We dont call it a pitch here.


We dont call it a football pitch.


We call it a soccer field.


And this is where people will come to play soccer.


The majority of people who play soccer in Canada are kids.

在加拿大 大多数踢足球的人都是孩子

Its a very popular sport.


Parents enroll their kids in a soccer league and they come and play soccer.

父母让他们的孩子加入足球联盟 他们就会来踢足球

This is a regulation size field.


But down there, Im not sure if you can see in the distance

但在那里 我不确定你是否能看到远处

you have some smaller fields for the really little kids.


Theyre a little bit too small to play on a regulation size field.

他们有点太小了 不能在规则大小的球场上比赛

So they play down there on the mini fields.


So lately Ive been looking for fun places to walk.


I walk a lot for exercise.

为了锻炼身体 我经常步行

So lately Ive been coming to the track here at the park.


This is a 400 meter track


that goes around the soccer field.


Thats a normal distance, I think, for a track to be.

我认为 对于一条赛道来说 这是正常的距离

I come here and I try to walk one lap, and then I try to run the second lap.

我来到这里 试着走一圈 然后试着跑第二圈

Im more successful at the walking part, but its really nice

我更擅长走路 但这真的很棒

to have a track to come and walk on or to run on.

跑道 跑道有一条赛道可供行走或奔跑

Its kind of softer than running on pavement or concrete,


so its really nice to come and use this track.


Its also used by our local high schools.


So when you are in high school, you can be on the track team

所以当你在高中的时候 你可以参加田径队

and if youre in the running events, you would come to this track to practice.

如果你参加跑步项目 你会来这条赛道练习

So another common thing you would find at a park, a track.

所以你会在公园里发现另一个常见的东西 一条赛道

So what would you like to see next?


Oh, the people who take care of the park, theyre called the maintenance crew. Hi.

哦 照看公园的人 他们被称为维护队 嗨

And they come every day and do their best to make sure everything looks beautiful.

他们每天都来 尽最大努力确保一切看起来都很漂亮

Thank you very much for the job you do.


Ah thank you!. No worries.

啊 谢谢你!别担心

So it was very nice of the maintenance crew to say hi.


I really appreciated that.


I did want to show you a couple other things when it comes to park maintenance.

当谈到公园维护时 我确实想向你展示一些其他的东西

This is the truck that the maintenance crew uses to drive around.


I imagine they use it to pick up garbage and do other things.


And way over there is the maintenance building.


Now, you might think that this looks like a very large building for just one park,

现在 你可能会认为这看起来像一座只有一个公园的非常大的建筑

but its actually the maintenance building for all the parks in this town.


This is the biggest park, but theres several smaller parks as well.

这是最大的公园 但还有几个较小的公园

So the maintenance crew has this building to work out of


and they drive around red trucks like this one.


Oh, and theres another one in the parking lot right now, driving,

哦 现在停车场里还有一辆车 正在开车

probably heading out to do some repairs somewhere.


Im not sure whats in the back, but it looks like a lot of woodchips.

我不确定后面是什么 但看起来像是很多木屑

So, anyways, maintenance crews help keep our parks awesome.

因此 无论如何 维护人员帮助我们的公园保持出色

So this next thing Im going to show you actually has two names.

接下来我要向你们展示的是 实际上有两个名字

We sometimes call these bleachers or we just simply refer to them as the stands.

我们有时把这些看台叫做看台 或者干脆把它们叫做看台

When you come to watch a game, you can sit on the bleachers or you can sit in the stands.

当你来看比赛时 你可以坐在看台上 也可以坐在看台上

Im not sure why I use on for bleachers and in for stands.

我不知道为什么我用on表示看台 用in表示看台



I just learned something myself about the English language.


Anyways, if someone you knew was playing a game,

不管怎样 如果你认识的人在玩游戏

you could come here and sit in the stands, or you could sit on the bleachers.

你可以来这里坐在看台上 也可以坐在看台上

So lets say youre at the park and you need to go to the bathroom.

假设你在公园里 你需要去洗手间

What do you do?


Well, you have a couple of options.

嗯 你有几个选择

You could use one of these porta potties.


A porta potty is kind of like this portable bathroom that they put at different locations.


Im not going to open the door because these things always smell for some reason.

我不打算开门 因为这些东西总是因为某种原因而气味难闻

And if you wanted to and if they were open,

如果你想 如果它们是开着的

you could head over to the snack shop and hope that the bathrooms are open.

你可以去小吃店 希望洗手间是开着的

So lets check if the bathrooms are locked today.


So we can come to the bathroom door here.


And yes, they are locked.

是的 它们是锁着的

Now, you might be wondering, why are the bathrooms locked?

现在 你可能会想 为什么卫生间是锁着的?

Well, parks in Canada are used a lot in the evenings and on the weekends.

嗯 加拿大的公园在晚上和周末经常被使用

And its the middle of a weekday right now.


Theres really


not a lot of people here at the park, so they generally keep the bathrooms closed.

公园里人不多 所以他们通常不关洗手间

But they are open on Saturdays and Sundays and throughout the week in the evening,


when theres lots of people here playing soccer or other sports.


I should mention, though, in Canada, we also call these washrooms.

但我要提的是 在加拿大 我们也把这些洗手间叫做洗手间

We sometimes call them restrooms, but bathroom is kind of the most common term.

我们有时称它们为洗手间 但洗手间是最常见的术语

If youre speaking English in Canada or in America.


So bathrooms, another thing you can find at the park.

所以洗手间 你可以在公园里找到的另一个东西

So sometimes when youre at the park, youre looking for a nice, shady place to sit.

所以有时候当你在公园的时候 你在寻找一个好的、阴凉的地方坐着

You could, of course,

当然 你可以

sit under a tree if you wanted to, but sometimes you want something bigger.

如果你想坐在树下 但有时你想要更大的东西

This is a pavilion.


A pavilion is a large building at a park.


Sometimes you actually need to pay money to use the pavilion.


It provides lots of shade if you want to get out of the sun.

如果你想躲避阳光 它可以提供很多阴凉的地方

And because this one is being built, theres a truck inside right now.

因为这一座正在建造中 所以里面现在有一辆卡车

But once its done, you could rent this on a Saturday.

但一旦修好了 你可以在周六租这个房子

You could invite your whole family to come to the park, and you could all sit

你可以邀请你的全家来公园 然后你们都可以坐在

on picnic tables in the pavilion in the shade, enjoying some time together.

在凉亭的野餐桌上 在树荫下 享受着一些共同的时光

So you might be wondering,


what is the difference between a pavilion like this one and a gazebo?


Well, a gazebo is smaller.

嗯 凉亭要小一些

A gazebo is good for a small handful of people, or just one or two people.

凉亭适合一小撮人 或者一两个人

A gazebo is a great place to stop if youre on a walk with one or two other people

如果你和一两个人一起散步 凉亭是一个很好的停车地点

just to get out of the sun and to sit and have small conversation.

只是为了躲避太阳 坐下来聊聊天

So a pavilion is great if you want to meet with a bunch of people.

所以 如果你想和一群人见面 展馆是很棒的

And the gazebo is smaller and good for just a small handful of people.

凉亭更小 只适合一小部分人

So one of the reasons why this park is so nice


and tidy is because there are garbage cans everywhere.


In Canada, we call these garbage cans.

在加拿大 我们把这些叫做垃圾桶

I thought there would be recycle bins as well, but I dont see any.

我以为还会有回收站 但我什么也没看到

All I see are garbage cans.


Im happy that most people who use this park are very, very tidy.


They really are good at remembering to throw out their garbage when they have some.


So thats why the park is neat and tidy.


Theres lots of garbage cans and people use them.

有很多垃圾桶 人们都在用

So I mentioned that a lot of our sports are played at night and you might be wondering

所以我提到我们的很多运动都是在晚上进行的 你可能会想

how do people see at night to play sports?


Well, this park has lights.

嗯 这个公园有灯光

So one of the ball diamonds and one of the soccer fields have lights.


This is the little utility building where they can turn the lights on and off.


And what that does is it allows people to play sports at night.


So if you bring your dog to the park, you must keep your dog on a leash.

因此 如果你把狗带到公园 你必须用皮带拴住你的狗

And if your dog goes poop, you must scoop up the poop.

如果你的狗拉屎了 你必须把大便铲起来

I like it when people clean up after their dogs.


It makes for a much nicer park experience.


So no park would be complete without a playground.

因此 没有游乐场的公园是不完整的

You can see the swings behind me and other things for little kids to play on.


A park is a great place to come if you have little kids.

如果你有小孩 公园是个不错的去处

Kids love going to the park, playing on the swings, playing on all of the other things.

孩子们喜欢去公园 玩秋千 玩其他所有的东西

And I did mention earlier that I thought the truck had woodchips in it.

我早些时候确实提到过 我以为卡车里有木屑

Often our playgrounds have woodchips.


In Canada, we have a lot of trees, so we use wood for a lot of things,

在加拿大 我们有很多树 所以我们用木材做很多东西

and one of those things is to make the playgrounds soft and fun to play on.


So once again, if you have little kids,

所以 再说一次 如果你有小孩

the park is a great place to come because theres usually a nice playground.

这个公园是一个很棒的地方 因为那里通常有一个很好的游乐场

Sometimes youre a little bit tired and you want to sit down.

有时候你有点累了 你想坐下来

Or maybe youve come to the park in order

或者 也许你来公园是为了

to read a book, or just sit and enjoy the great outdoors.

看一本书 或者只是坐在那里享受户外的美好

You would then use a park bench.


This park has lots of park benches.


This particular park bench, I think, is most often used by parents

我想 这张特别的公园长椅是父母最常使用的

as they watch their children play on the playground.


But park benches, what a nice invention, a beautiful place to sit when youre at the park.

但是公园长椅 多么好的发明 一个美丽的地方 当你在公园里坐着的时候

Well, thank you so much for watching this English lesson at the park.

好的 非常感谢你在公园收看这节英语课

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记住 如果这是你第一次来这里 别忘了点击那个红色的订阅按钮

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如果你喜欢这个视频 请竖起大拇指

Leave a comment, and if you have some time and you dont know what to do,

留下评论 如果你有时间 不知道该做什么

why dont you stick around and watch another English lesson?




