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8月7日,以幸福为理念的欧洲香氛和身体品牌 Rituals 自豪地发布2022年可持续发展报告。作为一家自 2022 年 1 月起获得 B Corp 认证的公司,Rituals 始终致力于通过其运营和举措创造积极的环保和社会影响。

Rituals 坚定不移地致力于为人类和地球的谋福祉,在实现到 2050 年实现净零排放的目标方面继续取得重大进展。净零排放承诺包括四个要素:原料、包装、运营和气候补偿。Rituals 认识到应对气候变化的紧迫性,并致力于通过在整个价值链中实施可持续发展实践,成为解决方案的一部分。

根据这一承诺,Rituals 很高兴地宣布,作为其 购买 1 支补充装 = 种植 1 棵树的倡议,公司已在印度、肯尼亚和哥伦比亚成功种植、保护和恢复了 500 万棵树。这一举措不仅有助于遏制森林砍伐,还为当地社区和生物多样性保护做出了贡献。

《可持续发展报告》中强调的另一项显著成就是,目前 Rituals Cosmetics 范围内80% 的个人护理配方至少含有 90% 的天然成分。通过优先使用天然和可持续来源的成分,Rituals 旨在减少对环境的影响,推广使用对消费者和地球都温和的产品。

此外,除了资金捐助,Rituals 还继续扩大与 Tiny Miracles 的合作。与印度 Tiny Miracles 合作的妇女共同设计的 Rituals 手袋继续大获成功。今年,Rituals 共售出 40,000 个,并赠送了 739,240 个手袋,为数百名印度妇女创造了可观的收入。这一举措充分体现了 Rituals 对增强社区能力和促进积极社会变革的承诺。

Rituals 化妆品公司创始人兼首席执行官 Raymond Cloosterman 说:"我们的可持续发展之路植根于一种整体方法,这种方法解决了人与地球之间的相互联系问题。"我们为迄今为止取得的进步感到自豪,并将继续致力于不断改进我们的可持续发展实践,为世界创造积极的影响。

Rituals 邀请利益相关者、合作伙伴和客户在其网站上浏览完整的《2022 年可持续发展报告》。Rituals 希望通过透明的可持续发展努力,促进问责制,并激励其他人加入到实现更可持续发展的未来的旅程中来。


RITUALS是一个致力于推动可持续发展和缔造个人福祉的品牌,也是世界上最先结合身体护理和家居香氛的品牌之一。RITUALS致力于将日常生活升华为更有意义的时刻。 每件产品的灵感都来自一个古老的传统,幸福尽在生活细微处。通过提供身体护理、香氛、护肤和家居用品方面的创新组合,RITUALS帮人们在日常生活中寻获身心平衡的幸福。

RITUALS于2000年在阿姆斯特丹成立,在全球超过36个国家拥有近1000家商店、3480家店中店、5家健身中心和品牌独有Mind Spa,遍布伦敦、巴黎和香港等。




RITUALS品牌目前在中国免税行业的业务蓬勃发展,目前集中投资在海南,包括第一批入驻的海旅三亚免税城、GDF日月免税城、深免观澜湖免税、以及第二排入驻的王府井万宁免税,第三批入驻的cdf海口国际免税城,以及即将于9月开业的cdf三亚国际免税城(Block C)同步开业。






Amsterdam, August 7th, 2023 - Global wellbeing beauty brand Rituals Cosmetics is proud to announce the publication of its Sustainability Report for the year 2022. As a B Corp certified1 company since January 2022, Rituals Cosmetics remains committed to creating positive, social and environmental impact through its operations and initiatives.

With a steadfast dedication to the wellbeing of both people and the planet, Rituals continues to make significant strides towards achieving its goal to be Net-Zero by 2050. This Net-Zero commitment consists of four elements: ingredients, packaging, operations and climate compensation. The company recognizes the urgency of addressing climate change and aims to be part of the solution by implementing sustainable practices across its value chain.

In alignment with this commitment, Rituals is delighted to announce that as part of its Buy 1 refill = Grow 1 tree initiative, it has successfully planted, protected, and restored 5 million trees in India, Kenya, and Colombia. This initiative not only helps combat deforestation but also contributes to local communities and biodiversity conservation.

Another notable achievement highlighted in the Sustainability Report is that 80% of Rituals Cosmetics in-scope2 personal care formulas now contain at least 90% natural origin ingredients. By prioritizing natural and sustainably sourced ingredients, Rituals aims to reduce its environmental footprint and promote the use of products that are gentle to both consumers and the planet.

Furthermore, next to the financial contribution, Rituals continued to expand its collaboration with Tiny Miracles. The co-designed Rituals bags made by women working with Tiny Miracles in India continue to be a big success. This year Rituals sold 40,000 pieces and gave away 739,240 as a gift with purchase, generating significant income for hundreds of women in India. This initiative exemplifies Rituals commitment to empowering communities and fostering positive social change.

"Our path to sustainable wellbeing is rooted in a holistic approach that addresses the interconnectedness of people and the planet," said Raymond Cloosterman, Founder and CEO at Rituals Cosmetics. "We are proud of the progress we have made thus far and remain dedicated to continuously improving our sustainability practices to create a positive impact in the world."

Rituals invites stakeholders, partners, and customers to explore the full Sustainability Report 2022 on its website. By being transparent about its sustainability efforts, Rituals aims to foster accountability and inspire others to join the journey towards a more sustainable future.

【About RITUALS Cosmetics】

Rituals Cosmetics is a brand dedicated to sustainable and personal wellbeing in the beauty luxury industry. As a foremost founder of integrating bath, body and home care into a single portfolio, Rituals embraces the lifestyle of transforming everyday routines into more meaningful moments. Each product is inspired by an ancient tradition allowing you to find happiness in the smallest of things. With an expansive innovation portfolio in body care, home fragrances, natural skin care and home wear, Rituals invites the consumer to enrich their world with wellbeing moments.

Founded in Amsterdam in 2000, Rituals has since been established as a global industry expert in over 36 countries present in vibrant cities such as London, Paris and Hong Kong with more than 1000 stores, 3480 shop-in-shops, 5 body spas and worlds first Mind Oasis.

Dedicated to its Clean, Conscious and Caring approach, Rituals is a proud Certified B CorporationTM.As part of Rituals commitment to continuously improve its social



