
夜行书生 418 次浏览

become, come, fall, get, go, grow, run, turn是表示状态变化的系动词,与形容词构成固定的搭配,描述变的状态。

I. become

例1. There are certainly things you can do tobecomemorebeautiful– inside and out. 当然,你可以做一些事情使自己从内到外变得更加美丽。

例2. Here are seven ways that you canbecomemorepowerful. 以下是七种让你变得更强大的方法。

例3. What happens if a cowbecomes lame? 如果母牛跛了怎么办?

II. come

例4. If you want a qualified accountant, their services dontcome cheap.如果你想要一个合格的会计师,他们的服务可不便宜。

例5. Success hasntcome easyfor her.对她来说,成功来之不易。

例6. Id always dreamed of owning my own home, and now my dream hascome true. 我一直梦想着拥有自己的房子,现在我的梦想实现了。

III. fall

例7. He alwaysfalls asleepduring lectures.他上课时总是睡着。

例8. Why can some people dodge COVID when othersfall ill? 当其他人生病时,为什么有些人可以避开新冠病毒?

例9. The bells throughout the city willfall silentagain at 1pm on January 1.1月1日下午1点全城的钟声将再次沉默。

IV. get

例10. Winter tornadoes willget morepowerfulas the Earth warms. 随着地球变暖,冬季龙卷风的威力将变得更强。

例11. It doesnt mean that we mayget wiseras weget old. 这并不意味着年龄越大越聪明。

例12. Please dontget angry. 请不要生气。

V. go

例13. All these things wouldgo badbefore half was eaten.所有这些东西还没吃完一半就坏了。

例14.When do men usually start togo bald? 男人通常什么时候开始秃顶?

例15. Alicewent blindin her right eye four years ago.爱丽丝四年前右眼失明了。

例16. Despite your best efforts, sometimes jam will justgo cloudy. 尽管你尽了最大努力,有时果酱还是会发霉。

例17. The girlswent crazywhen they saw their favorite singer. 女孩们看到她们最喜欢的歌手时都发疯了。

例18. The disease caused Kitty togo deafwhen she was 5. 这种疾病使基蒂五岁时失聪。

例19. Some willgogreenas soon as theres a ripple of water.有些人一上船见到水波就会晕船。

例20. Her hair wasgoinggrey. 她的头发渐渐变灰白了。

例21. This kind of cake is easy togo hard这种蛋糕容易变硬。

例22. What does it mean when a cowgoes lame? 母牛跛了意味着什么?

例23. Shewent madat the sight of her child lying on the ground crying. 她一看到孩子躺在地上哭就发疯了。

例24. This kind of cheese is easy togo mouldy.这种奶酪容易发霉。

例25. When she heard the news, shewent pale. 当她听到这个消息时,脸色苍白。

例26. Ser Boroswentpurplewith rage.伯罗斯爵士气得脸色发紫。

例27. He wentgo redwith anger at the sight of his damaged car. 他一看到破损的汽车气得脸通红。

例28. What metalgoes rustyif you leave it in water? 什么金属在水中会生锈?

例29. Do you know why breadgoes stale? 你知道面包变质的原因吗?

例30. Everything isgoing wrongfor me today. 我今天一切都不顺利。

VI. grow

例31. Truth nevergrows old. 真理永远不会过时。

例32. The kinggrew purplewith rage. 国王气得脸色发紫。

例33. The fox maygrow grey, but never good. 狐狸活到老,永远难变好。(江山易改, 本性难移。)

VII. run

例34. The river willrun drysoon. 这条河很快会干涸的。

例35. You mustn’t let the childrenrun wildand do what they like. 你不要让孩子们毫无约束,爱什么就干什么。

例36. His money wasrunning short. 他的钱越来越少了。

VIII. turn

例37. My fingersturn bluefor hours when its cold. 天气冷的时候,我的手指会冻得发青好几个小时。

例38. The steelturnsbluequickly, after which you rinse it in cold water to remove and neutralize the chemicals. 钢很快就会变蓝,然后用冷水冲洗,去除并中和化学物质。

例39. The grass hadturned brown. 草已经变成棕色了。

例40. His hair is beginning toturn grey. 他的头发开始变得花白。

例41. Heturned paleat the thought. 想到这个,他脸色变得苍白。

例42.When she saw this, sheturned scarletagain. 她看到这一幕时,脸又变得通红。


1.脸变色(描述脸部所表达的情绪变化)用go或turn 表示颜色的形容词,不用become。




